My top recommendations for things to do in Sambas

Hello guys, meat again with me . Soon the new year, have you have plans to travel? if not, I recommend you to visit Sambas. Sambas? where Sambas? you may wonder. Sambas is a subdistrict well as districts in West Kalimantan. If you love the beach, Sambas have a lot of one of the famous beach is the beach Temajuk.

Temajuk is a village that borders with Malaysia. Temajuk Village is located in District Paloh. This time of Sambas towards Temajuk take 5 hours. A long time is because access roads are inadequate and are under construction. However, do not worry when you are on the way will be paid with the beauty that is on the beach Temajuk. For those of you who like to play water you could cometo the waterfall riam merasap. waterfall riam merasap is locatedin the village kaliau districts Sajingan Besar.  For culinary connoisseurs you do not worry because Sambas has its own distinctive food is "Bubur Pedas". Bubur pedas made from vegetables and certainly very tasty. If you want to eat the bubur pedas you could come to the canteen perahu or canteen wulan. in Sambas you can visit Keraton Sambas Alwatzikoebillah. Keraton Sambas Alwatzikoebillah is a silent witness to the kingdom of Sambas. It is a small part of existing places indistrict Sambas . If you want to know more you can directly visit. Ok guys, that's all for this time and do not forget to visit Sambas . Thanks for reading. See you in my next post :D.


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