Hello, ladies and gentle man.In this occasion, I would like to tell you some reasons about why I choose Mathematics and Natural Sciences Faculty, Computer System major study, Tanjungpura University, Pontianak. At first, let me introduce my self, my name is Afrio Dwi Kurniawan, I was born in Pemangkat, Sambas district, West Borneo on April 5 1998. I choose computer system major study because I really liked the computer and also graduates of the courses that I choose a secure future because graduates with basic computer needs in this era. Computer System is my second choice in the Joint Selection of State Universities or so-called SBMPTN. My first choice is of Informatics Engineering and my third choice was nursing. The reason my third choice is because I do not know want to get into a course where. I am disappointed because it did not pass in Informatics Engineering major study, but that does not make my spirit fade because I was given the opportunity to enter into the computer system major study. On 28 June 2016 is the date of the highly anticipated because it was the day the announcement of the selection results. At that moment I was not sure because I did not pass the selection test to learn before SBMPTN.But God says another, Alhamdulillah  I graduated in computer systems  major study at Mathematics and Natural Sciences Faculty, Tanjungpura University. And that's the reason why I chose the computer systems  major study at Mathematics and Natural Sciences Faculty, Tanjungpura University.


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